Ingredients for 4 to 6 People:

  • 150 g flour and 1 Tsp baking powder
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 cl olive oil
  • 15 cl milk
  • 150 g green pitted olives and 150 g hazelnuts (Optional)
  • 150 g grated swiss cheese
  • 15 g butter
  • Salt and pepper.

Mix flour and baking powder with a pinch of salt.

Add the eggs one at a time with a wodden spoon.

Add the oil, then the milk without stopping turning. Work out this dough until completely smooth and add some pepper.

Grease a cake mold generously and preheat the oven at 180°C.

Drain and dry the olives in a kitchen towel and add the olives delicately to the dough with the hazelnuts, if you like, and the grated cheese.

Pour this batter in the mold and fill it until the two third  then put it in the oven.

Let cook for about 1h. Take the cake out of its mold right after taking it out of the oven and wait before cutting slices.

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