This Saffron Chicory Soup is a soup idea that awakens the taste buds. Let ourselves be tempted by the charm of these spices from all over the world. Delivered in small tubes or hermetic boxes of about 10 grams, the spices sublimate, by small touches, the dishes.

Saffron Chicory Soup

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Saffron Chicory Soup that serves 4 

  • 600 g chicory
  • an onion
  • a potato
  • 1 small liter of milk
  • 20 g of butter
  • 3 teaspoons saffron powder
  • Salt and pepper from the mill

Now, here are the few steps you will have to follow to make this Saffron Chicory Soup with a preparation and a cooking time of 10 minutes each

Melt the sliced ​​chicory and the peeled and chopped onion with the butter in a large saucepan for two minutes over low heat. Set aside.

Sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of saffron. Mix for a minute then pour the milk and heat, slowly.

When boiling, add the peeled and chopped potatoe. Slightly stir. Continue to cook for about 8 minutes over low heat and covered.

Finally, mix the soup with the blender dipping, rectify the seasoning and serve hot, sprinkled with the rest of Saffron and decorated with a few pieces of chicory leaves and parsley.

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