These Mini Chestnut Soups are for all aperitif lovers but of a different kind. There is a happy in between the bowl of pistachios and its dining variation. So here to whet the appetite with this original and … delicious appetiser!

Mini Chestnut Soup

To start, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Mini Chestnut Soups that serves 6 

  • 400 g or a small pound cooked chestnuts
  • 1 large onion
  • 50 cl or 2 cups milk
  • 30 cl or 1 1/4 cups whipping cream
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Now, here are the few steps you will have to follow to make the Mini Chestnut Veloutés with a preparation of 10 minutes and a cooking of 30 minutes

Put 3 chestnuts on the side, then, slice the onion and sweat it in olive oil. Add the chestnuts, season and add the milk and cream.

Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and cook gently for 25 minutes. Go to a hand blender, taste and adjust to seasoning if necessary.

Finally, divide the velouté in small bowls. Decorate with a few crumbled chestnuts and pour a dash of olive oil. Serve hot.

In conclusion, if you like these small veloutés, do not hesitate to also try the Cream of Ceps 

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