For a zesty twist on your cheeses, one can have biscuits or even better… A Ciabatta. Very little specialised equipment is required, that is why you should not hesitate to make your own breads. Add a bit of sparkle to your dinner table with a bottle of Red Chianti and… Bon Appétit !


First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Ciabatta that serves 4

  • 500 g (2 1/4 cups) wheat flour
  • 320 g ( 1 1/2 cups) water at room temperature
  • 5 g (1teaspoon) yeast
  • 10 g (3/4 Tablespoon) salt
  • 30 g (2 tablespoons) olive oil
  • 100 g ( 20 Tsp) sourdough made with 50 ml (1.5 oz) water + 50 g (1.5oz) flour + half of the yeast.

Now, here are the different steps you will need to follow to make the Ciabatta

In a small bowl, mix the 1.5 oz flour with the 1.5 oz water and half the yeast and let stand to become a sourdough. Then, in the bowl of your food processor, pour the flour, water, yeast, baking powder and salt. Mix 5 minutes at low speed and 7 minutes at high speed. About 2 minutes before the end of kneading, add the olive oil.

Form a ball, cover with a kitchen cloth and let it grow for 1 hour at room temperature. The dough will double in volume. Flour your working surface and form 4 loaves shaped as ciabattas and including grated cheese, hazelnuts, walnuts or olives. Let stand 1 hour 30 minutes again under a kitchen towel.

Bake at 235 °C (450°F, very hot), after pouring a little water in your drip pan. Cook for 5 minutes then lower the temperature to 220 °C (425°F) and bake for 12 to 15 minutes. The loaves should be golden brown.

At the exit of the oven, brush your ciabattas with some olive oil. Let cool before serving … but they are excellent warm!

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