Beef is often marinated and grilled for the enjoyment of all participating. You too can grill a Flank Steak in a Red Wine Sauce in your garden or on your balcony! Enjoy the savoir-faire of the Belle Province and France

Flank Steak in a Red Wine Sauce

First, here are the different Ingredients you will need to make the Flank Steak in a Red Wine Sauce that serves 4 

 250 ml (1 cup) Red wine
 75 ml (1/3 cup) black currant jelly
 15 ml (1 tbsp.) Balsamic vinegar
 1 small onion, chopped
 1 sprig rosemary, leaves only
 125 ml (1/2 cup) whipping cream
 125 ml (1/2 cup) fresh raspberries
  •               5 ml (1 tsp.) whole peppercorns
 2 beautiful pieces of flank Steak


Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Flank Steak in a Red Wine Sauce

Morning: In a saucepan, boil the wine, black currant jelly, balsamic vinegar, onion and rosemary. Reserve half of the mixture (about 1 cup) to the marinade. Continue boiling over low heat for 5 minutes for the remaining half.

Add the cream, raspberries and peppercorns. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Reserve the sauce in the refrigerator. In the cooled marinade, marinate your meat pieces 4 to 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Evening: Reheat the sauce over low heat. Meanwhile, preheat the grill to medium-high. Seize the pieces of meat 2 minutes per side, sprinkle with spices if you like and continue cooking for 3 to 5 minutes until desired doneness. Let stand for 5 minutes, the meat will be juicier and serve with some vegetables.

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