This Tuna and Lemon Crumble is a familiar, family favourite fresh, simple and tasty dish. The fish stays moist and succulent inside its crispy top coating. If Served with a Tartare Sauce or Aioli Sauce it adds a little bit of crunchy tang !

Tuna & Lemon Crumble

First, here is the list of the Ingredients you will need to prepare the Tuna and Lemon Crumble that serves 4  

  • 1 small or a half fresh tuna steak per person depending on the size.
  • 1 lemon and 1 lime
  • some parsley, crushed
  • 250 ml ( 1 cup) heavy cream
  • 150 g ( 2/3 cup) flour
  • 125 g ( 1/2 cup) butter
  • 150 g ( 8 Tbsp) breadcrumbs

Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Tuna and Lemon Crumble

Chop the tuna steaks and put them in a bowl. Add the lemon juices, parsley and let marinate for a while. ( 1/2 hour).  After that time, add the cream and mix well.

Prepare the crumble by mixing the flour, the melted butter and then add slowly the bread crumbs. Using a cookie cutter, place the tuna mix + lemon on it and bottom, add and top with the crumble. Remove the cookie cutter and place them on a baking sheet with waxing paper before baking.

Otherwise, another alternative: put the marinated tuna in a baking dish. top with the crumbles and put the dish in a hot oven for about 20 to 25 minutes and serve alone or with a green salad and a Tartare Sauce or Aïoli Sauce.

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