I have got this very exotic Lychee Cooler, a sweet and spicy drink that I am sure you will love not only because of its taste but also because of its bright springy colour. So lets celebrate Spring with a sweet pink twist and… Bon Appétit at Laclassedecuisine.com !

Ingredients for 2 Drinks:

  • 70 ml Vodka
  • 50 ml Rose Liqueur
  • 100 ml Lychee juice
  • 30 g caster sugar
  • 50 ml coconut milk
  • 60 ml lime juice

Pour the vodka into an ice-filled cocktail shaker with the rose liqueur, the lychee juice, the sugar and the coconut milk.

shake well, strain into highball glasses half filled with ice and top with lime to finish. Cheers!

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