A Homemade Melon Icee ! Make your own sorbet simply by blending fresh fruits. Sweet, smooth, creamy and at a temperature below zero, I bet you will get an instant crush on my summer Icee…

Homemade Melon Icee

First, here are the two Ingredients you will need to make this Homemade Melon Icee that serves 4 

  •  1 big melon of Provence or  1 Cantaloup
  •  2 Tbsp Honey


Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Homemade Melon Icee

Slice the melon or Cantaloup in half. Take off the seeds and slice it entirely and put it in a big bowl. Add the honey. Mix everything in a blender.

Pour the preparation in a large and shallow dish.

Place it in the freezer for about 2 hours, scraping regularly with a fork in it until you can see flakes forming.

Serve in ramequins with small pieces of ginger bread or biscuits if you like. This is delicious and so refreshing.

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