For this back to school, I am offering you these Courgette and Goat Cheese Charlotte. These simple little charlotte are a must and with fresh goat cheese it is a real treat. Now, don’t forget that for keeping their colour, you have to plunge the courgette under ice cold water. Doing this immediately after the cooking will keep your zucchini slices very green!

Enjoy the beautiful days of September through a healthy meal …

Courgette and Goat Cheese Charlotte

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Courgette and Goat Cheese Charlotte that serves 4

  • 4 small courgettes
  • 400 g fresh goat cheese
  • 1 small bunch of chopped parsley
  • 1 small chopped shallot
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons whipping cream
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 3 big tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 small Tbsp (25 g) pine nuts

Now here are the few steps you will have to follow to make the Courgette and Goat Cheese Charlotte in 15 minutes

First, to make these Courgette Charlotte with Fresh Goat cheese, start and prepare 4 ramekins by covering them with cling film. After that, wash the zucchini, cut their ends and slice thin strips lengthwise using a mandolin.

Then, whiten them for 2 minutes in a large quantity of simmering water and cool them immediately by passing them under cold water. Finally, place them on paper towels and set aside.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl mix the fresh goat cheese, the whipping cream to smoothen the goat cheese, add your chopped parsley and shallot and finely add salt and pepper.

Then, line your 4 ramekins with zucchini slices, leaving them about 1 small inch (2 centimetre) above. Garnish with your cheese mixture then fold over the zucchini/courgette slices. Press lightly to settle and reserve in a cool place for at least one hour.

Courgette and Goat Cheese Charlotte

At the end, just before serving, put each charlotte on a plate or a slice of toasted country bread and sprinkle with pine nuts, add a drizzle of olive oil and serve if you like with a small tomato sauce , but plain is also excellent !

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