This is a real crowd-pleaser of a vegetable. The orange flesh, dense but smooth when cooked, has a gentle sweetness that appeals to even the most vegetable averse. Like the pumpkin, the butternut is harvested during summer but used during winter.

Halved and roasted in the oven with olive oil, this everyday squash opens the door to countless delicious possibilities. try this Butternut, Hazelnut and Sage Gratin, it takes a while to be cooked but its worth the time…

Ingredients for 6 People:

  • 300 ml double cream
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 6 to 8 sage leaves
  • 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 40 g grated parmigiano
  • 750 g (3 cups) butternut squash peeled and cut into thick slices
  • 30 g Hazelnuts chopped
  • 20 g breadcrumbs

Preheat the oven to 190°C ( 390°F). Mix together the cream, garlic, sage nutmeg and parmesan. Put 1/3 of the squash slices in a gratin dish, overlapping them a little. Add 1/3 of the cream mixture and season well. Repeat with one more layer of squash and cream. Press down to cover the slices. Then, sprinkle with the hazelnuts and breadcrumbs.

Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Then, remove the foil and bake for about one more hour or until golden brown and bubbling. Cool for 10 minutes before seving.

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