Today I am revisiting the famous combination of tomatoes with mozzarella. It is like an ideal classic: fresh, lightweight, and even low in calories.

Ingredients for 6 People:

  • 18 sheets Fillo pastry
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 2 mozzarella balls
  • 3 sprigs basil leaves
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) olive oil
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 1 small jar of Pesto Rosso or homemade pesto if you prefer !

Wash, dry and chop your basil leaves. Drain the mozzarella and then cut into thin slices. Prick the cherry tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes in a lightly oiled frying pan. Let cool.

Brush each Fillo pastry sheet with some olive oil and place in individual tartlets pans, overlapping 3 by 3.

Put in each tartlet center a teaspoon of pesto rosso then 1 tablespoon cooked cherries tomatoes, 2 slices of mozzarella and a few sprigs of basil. Finish with a dash of olive oil, then fold the pastry sheets into the center of each tartlet and drop the pastillas, upside down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake them for about 15 minutes and return halfway to make sure they become golden everywhere.

Serve hot with a little bit of pesto rosso, if you still have some and accompanied by a green salad.

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