This recipe of Chicken Wings, Potato and Sweet Potato Wedges is something you can cook often, especially for Saturday lunch. Children as grown-ups love it. its very tasty, simple to make and healthy. So let’s have a look and of course a try.

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Chicken Wings, Potato and Sweet Potato Wedges that serve es 4 to 6

  • 3 big Potatoes
  • 3 sweet Potatoes
  • 2 Tbsp olive Oil
  • 1 kg Chicken Wings
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 handfuls of dried Figs and one of dried Apricots
  • 2 Tbsp paprika spice
  • 2 Tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 Tbsp light brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp oil


Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Chicken Wings, Potato and Potato Wedges

Preheat the oven to 200°C ( 400°F). Wash the potatoes, leaving the skins on, then cut lengthways into thick wedges.

Put the wedges on a large baking tray, season and toss with the oil. Roast for 20 minutes, until starting to soften. Meanwhile, mix all the other ingredients together with 1 Tbsp water until you get a paste. Pat the chicken wings dry with kitchen paper, then mix with the paste in a bowl until evenly coated. Season, then put on the tray with the wedges and add the dried fruits.

Roast for another 30 minutes, until golden. Serve hot with some nice greens.

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