This Iced Cantaloup, Watermelon and Mango Salad with Lime is the perfect full summer dessert. At noon or at midnight, you will always enjoy these summer fruits, full of sun but so refreshing. So let’s enjoy these summer fruits and don’t hesitate to make a lot because it is so easy to make …

Iced Cantaloup, Watermelon and Mango Salad with Lime

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Iced Cantaloup, Watermelon and Mango Salad with Lime.

  • 450 g or 2 cups watermelon and cantaloup prepared in balls
  • 50 cl or 1 cup mango sorbet
  • 2 tablespoons fresh sweet mint
  • 1 lime

Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Iced Cantaloup, Watermelon and Mango Salad with Lime

Cut your cantaloup and watermelon in half. Take off all the seeds and filaments and form small balls with a melon spoon scoop. Place the small watermelon and cantaloup scoops in a big bowl. Wash the lime, take the zest and chop it finely.

Squeeze the lime and pour the juice over the small fruit balls. Finally, form scoops of mango sorbet with an ice cream scoop.

Finally, prepare your glass bowls or jars by first putting cantaloup and watermelon balls, sprinkle with freshly cut mint and lime zest. Drop an ice cream scoop of mango sorbet on top and serve immediately.

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