To make great jams, wait until the fruits are at their peak of maturity. Then, why not start with this old recipe that I have been using for so many years and that makes my jam so specially good…

Ingredients for 6 to 8 Jars:

  • 2.5 kg (5 1/2 lbs ) ripe apricots
  • 1.6 kg (3 3/4 lbs) granulated sugar

Wash and dry the apricots. Pit and set aside 30 cores. Put your apricots and 1.4 kg ( 3 lbs) of sugar in a bowl. Stir. Pour the remaining sugar over. Cover with a kitchen towel and let marinate for 18 hours.

The next day, put the content of your bowl into a jam pan and cook over medium heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.

Meanwhile, break the nuclei of apricots almonds and blanch for 5 minutes. Drain and peel them to separate into two.

Add them to the jam pan and cook another 10 minutes.

Check for doneness by dropping a drop of jam on a cold plate inclined. It should flow very slowly.

Put in boiled and dried jars and close tightly with a disc of paper jam dipped in alcohol fruit.

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