Making sure we have a quick, easy and nice dish ready ahead is something we all love. Sometimes, it might seem difficult to get ready in the morning and make your dinner too. We often have to cook ahead to accommodate our families’ busy schedules. This Three Meat and Hazelnut Terrine is just the ticket for an easy, made-ahead, elegant lunch or dinner. 

3 Meat Terrine

Fist you will find hereunder all the ingredients you need to prepare the three Meat and Hazelnut Terrine

  • 200 g (3/4 cup) bacon
  • 250 g ( 1 cup) veal shoulder
  • 200 g (3/4 cup) beef braising
  • 250 g (1 cup) pork loin
  • 50 g (1/4 cup) dried breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Rosemary, parsley, onion, thyme
  • 1 bottle white wine
  • 1 handful hazelnuts


Now, here are the different steps you need to follow to make the 3 Meat and Hazelnut Terrine

First, Chop half of the meat and cut into thin slices the other part. Put everything together and let it marinate in the white wine with spices for 24 hours.

About the salt, put 20g (1 Tbsp + 1 tsp) of salt per kilogram (1 qt) of meat (please respect the quantity).

After 24 hours, preheat your oven to 340°F (170°C). Remove the meat from the marinade, place in a big bowl after having drained the meat well and add the egg. Barder the bottom of the terrine or small terrines with the bacon slices and place the meat by inserting strips, the hazelnuts and mince, ending with the strips.

Bake 1 hour 45 minutes in a water bath. ( Less for small terrines). Remove the terrine from the oven and let cool completely and weight. Then, refrigerate, covered. The next day, prepare the jelly( Savoury jelly made with meat stock if you wish) and when completely cooled pour this savoury jelly around the terrine and let cool overnight again to be able to enjoy the next day by cutting 1/2 inch thick slices directly from dish.

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