Blanc ou orange, ce légume faible en calories nous impressionne avec ses nombreuses propriétés. Avec seulement 25 calories par portion, le chou-fleur fournit une bonne dose d’acide folique, de fibres et de vitamines B6, C et K.
White or orange, this low-calorie veggie is bursting us with its many properties. With only 25 calories per cup, cauliflower supplies a nice dose of folate, fiber and vitamins B6, C and K. The orange Cauliflower, a sweeter hybrid has about 25 times more beta-carotene than its white counterpart. You may also come across purple and light green varieties.
Most importantly, choose it right. That means, seek out cauliflower with thick, compact heads and uniformly colored florets. It will stay fresh longer if tightly wrapped and refrigerated.
Try it as Cauliflower Carpaccio in Tempura Batter or steamed with this Mashed Cauliflower with Olive Oil, a low-starch variation on mashed potatoes. But save yourself a small sweet corner with these Hazelnuts Hearts that I suggest you today to celebrate Valentine.
Happy Valentine with this “Flower of Cauli ” and…
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