Kwak Tabbouleh Way

The Kwak Tabbouleh Way is a manioc semolina  that is called tabbouleh. Take and wrap your Kwak Tabbouleh way and make a picnic in a nice and shady place and choose to live a life-size adventure...

Here is first the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Kwak Taboulé Way that serves 4

  • 1/4 pint (150 ml)  water
  • 9 oz (250 g)  Kwak or couac or manioc semolina
  • 2 limes
  • 6 Tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 small bunch of parsley, chives, coriander and mint mixed
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper

Here are now the few steps you will have to follow to make the Kwak Tabbouleh Way

In a large flat-bottomed bowl, pour your water and your kwak or couac or manioc semolina. Stir well to remove the seed lumps. Then squeeze the limes and add the juice of the two limes and the 3 spoonful of olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Wash and dry your bunch of parsley, chives, coriander and mint mixed. Prepare all your herbs then chop them and add them to your Kwak or manioc semolina. Finally, if you like, you can optionally add diced tomatoes and peppers. Place your bowl for a couple of hours in the fridge and then serve with chicken skewers, it is just a delicious and refreshing meal!

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