Pork Ribs with red Cabbage and Apples

These Pork Ribs with red Cabbage and Apples is a welcome dish at this special beginning of the year. Welcome because full of benefits, thanks to red cabbage and apples! It is an easy dish to make and can also be prepared in advance...  

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Pork Ribs with red Cabbage and Apples that serves 4 people

  • 1.5 kg or 3 lb pork ribs
  • 800g or 2 small pounds red cabbage
  • 3 golden apples
  • 150 ml or 5 oz apple juice
  • 1 tbsp juniper berries
  • 1/2 tsp crushed peppercorns
  • 50g or 2 oz butter
  • 100 g or 4 oz honey
  • 4 tbsp soy sauce
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme

Now, here are the different steps you will have to follow to cook these Pork Ribs with Red Cabbage and Apples with a preparation time of 15 minutes and a cooking time of 1 hour 30 minutes

Start by Cutting the pork ribs every two bones. Mix the honey, soy sauce, washed and stripped thyme and cracked pepper. Brush the ribs with this mixture and cover with cling film. Leave to marinate in the fridge for about 2 hours. For the cabbage, remove the central rib and slice it with a mandolin. Then wash it and wring it out. Melt half the butter in a casserole dish. Add the shredded cabbage, apple juice, juniper berries, salt and pepper. Cover and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Peel, grind the apples and cut them into small pieces. Gently mix them with the stewed cabbage for 1 hour and add the rest of the butter. Adjust the seasoning and continue cooking for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, place the pork ribs and their marinade in a casserole dish and cook them for about 30 to 45 minutes. If the juice caramelizes too quickly, dilute it with some water and honey and lower the heat to a minimum. Flip the ribs halfway through cooking. Just before serving, place 2 spoonfuls of stewed cabbage with apples in a deep plate and add 2 caramelized pork ribs.

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