Persimmon Carpaccio

The Persimmon Carpaccio is what is called a full of antioxidants. Persimmon is a Mediterranean fruit with a short peak season. So we must take advantage of it. This large, fleshy fruit is a little sweeter than the other fruits but its caloric intake remains reasonable.

First, here is the list of the different ingredients you will need to prepare the Persimmon Carpaccio that serves 4

  • 4 firm kakis or Persimmon
  • 4 Tbsp agave syrup or 3 Tbsp honey
  • 3 Tbsp or 40 grams walnut kernels
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, optional

Now, here are the few steps you will need to follow to make the Persimmon Carpaccio with a 10 minute preparation.

Start by washing the persimmons, remove the skin with a peeler or a knife, then cut it into thin slices. Then, place the slices on a large plate, and add the agave syrup or honey and ground cinnamon on top. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least one hour. A few minutes before serving, take the persimmons out of the refrigerator and crush the walnut kernels. Finally, arrange the persimmon slices on pretty plates, pour the remaining juice on your carpaccio plates and sprinkle with crushed walnuts. Serve these persimmon carpaccio at room temperature or cool, depending on your preference.

Hint / Tip: Traditional persimmon is eaten very ripe, otherwise its flesh is very astringent. Persimmon, the new variety, is eaten crunchy and its soft and fruity flesh is a delight. Slice it with a mandolin.

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