French Crêpe Cake

A French Crêpe Cake. Nothing gets a cheer like a stack of French Crêpes. This Crêpe Cake recipe is a nice variation that uses the original recipe but with this special sweet twist. 

Here is what you will need as Ingredients to make the French Crêpes Cake for 6 people

For the Crêpes or pancakes:                                             For the filling:
  • 400 g (1 cup) flour                                    200 g (7 oz) jam of your choice
  •  4 free range eggs                                                         300 ml (1/2 pint) whipping cream
  •  600 ml (2 cups) milk, warm                                     1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt                                              1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 30 g (2 tbsp) butter                                     150 g (5 1/2 oz) dark chocolate

Now here are the few steps you will have to follow to make the Crêpe dough first, then the French Crêpe Cake

To start, heat the milk and the butter together. Set aside. To prepare the batter in a bowl, mix the flour with a pinch of salt, then gradually add the eggs, previously well beaten, then, gradually add the milk rotating constantly. Let stand one hour. Cook the crepes in a pan and put your crepes on a large plate, overlapping them. In a very cold bowl, whip the cream. When the cream is almost set, add the vanilla sugar while beating. Set aside. Assemble the crêpes cake alternating crêpes, jam and whipped cream. To do this, first place a crepe on a serving dish and spread a layer of jam. cover with a second crepe and spread a layer of whipped cream. Continue alternating crepes, jam and whipped cream. Finish with a crepe and sprinkle with icing sugar. Serve with remaining whipped cream or a fruit coulis from the same used jam . If you want to do like me, serve your cake with a chocolate coulis, kids will love it ! And, Bon Appétit !

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