Artichoke Mousse

You will love this Artichoke Mousse because you have the nutritional well-being of the artichoke allied to the fresh taste of smoked salmon strips. It is an Appetiser that will please all because fine and delicate.

Here is the list of the different Ingredients you will need to make the Artichoke Mousse that serves 4

  • 1 small box or jar of artichoke bottoms
  • 60 g thick soy cream or thick cream
  • 4 small slices smoked salmon
  • 1 Tbsp Olive oil

Here are the few steps you will need to follow to get the Artichoke Mousse and that is done in 5 minutes with 2 hours refrigeration.

First, start by using a robot and mixing the soya cream, or cream and the artichoke bottoms until a homogeneous cream is obtained. Then, add a drizzle of olive oil if necessary. Then, place your preparation in the bottom of each ramekin or glass you choose to use. Add the smoked salmon strips on top. Finely, cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

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